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Narrative spanish

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Si lo quieres

Under the sign of the Wolf

Language: Spanish

ISBN: 978-84-124846-1-8

Publisher: Platero Coolbook

Genre: Thriller-Novel

Soft cover with flaps, 284 pages,  Castellano

A macabre murder in the small town of Scala Dei -El Priorato-, puts the investigators of the regional police in check. Not only is the solution of the crime at stake, but also the reputation of the Mossos d'Esquadra.

Sergeant Brennan—better known as Lobo—descendant of the chief of the Blackfeet tribe who, due to life circumstances, settles in Tarragona, stars in this exciting novel. Lobo, is an experienced man, and with unconventional qualities, who must assume all responsibility to clarify the event. His unusual methodology may be the key. Nil Gibert, his most advanced student, will experience, by his side, the harsh reality of walking among death.

Unusual characters, ancestral rites, complex lives, passionate love stories, extreme decisions, impossible tracks, paths of no return and the suffocating pressure of public opinion.

A walk through the perverse mind of the human being, which will keep the reader on edge.

Reality has never been so close to fiction.

Si lo quieres


El asesino de Tortosa

Saga: El Lobo II

Idioma: Castellano

ISBN: 978-84-09-53011-3                               

Editorial: Platero Coolbook

Gènere: Thriller-Novela negra

Tapa blanda con solapas, 368 pàg,  Castellano

La aparición de una prostituta destripada, a los pies de la escultura del Ángel Caído, en Tortosa, se convierte en una auténtica pesadilla para la División de Investigación de la policía autonómica. Todo apunta a que un asesino serial anda suelto. El sargento Fred Brennan (El Lobo), en sus horas bajas, tendrá que tomar decisiones más que difíciles. La sangre ocupa las calles y las mentes de los protagonistas. El diablo ha decidido hacer justicia y ya nadie está seguro, ni tan siquiera la policía.

Un thriller intrigante, donde la investigación va más allá de lo imaginable.

Muertes, sufrimiento, dolor, amor, sexo, alcohol, drogas, el más allá... Y la negrura de las fauces de la noche.

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Si lo quieres

Lágrimas de sal 

Una historia de amor infinito

Saga: El Xarlet I

Idioma: Castellano

ISBN:  979-8373389211

Editorial: Independently published

Gènere: Novela romántica

Tapa blanda o dura, 264 pàg,  Castellano

“Lágrimas de Sal, una novela romántica de amor infinito”, es un drama romántico que narra la insólita relación que mantiene el protagonista con la mar. Obra costumbrista, nos muestra la dureza del trabajo de los marineros en la postguerra. Sobrevivir nunca ha sido fácil para ellos.

Arnau, un niño de una familia de pescadores, pierde a sus padres a edad temprana y este echo le obliga a madurar antes de lo previsto para poder mantener a la familia. Cuando Laia, una joven rebelde bien situada, entra en escena, todos sus planes se desbaratan.

Amor, pasión, sexo, dulzura, lucha, audacia, astucia, magia, esperanza, suspense…

El autor entremezcla realidad y ficción en una novela que, sin duda, no podrás olvidar.

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Training Manual

for hunting dogs

The Basset Hound and other hounds

Language: Spanish

ISBN: 9798594613614

There are many books on dogs on the market. but if we focus on hounds and/or trail dogs and their training, they are quite reduced and if we look for a training manual that, in addition to dealing with hounds in general, specifically delves into the Basset Hound, the lack of literature is notorious . In this training manual for Basset Hounds, hounds and trail dogs, you will find the necessary tricks for: breeding, choosing the puppy, socialization and initiation to the trail of your dog. Hounds and the Basset Hound, in particular, are and must be obstinate dogs, therefore their training can be complicated. In these pages you will find advice both to improve the qualities of your hound and your relationship with him; extreme that the good savant must never forget. Your dog is one more of the family.

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